Hi friends,
I’m so excited to release this huge set of phonics-based directed drawings. The bundle includes 108 different drawings in total which will have your students drawing and drawing and drawing!
If you’ve wanted to try directed drawings in your classroom, this is the perfect bundle. As it is phonics-based, the activities are purposeful and will help your students practice their sounds, learn how to draw, learn how to follow directions whilst also giving them the opportunity to write.
There are drawings included for:
- The Alphabet
- CVC Words
- Digraphs
- Long Vowels
- R-Controlled Vowels
- Diphthongs
Every drawing comes in 6 different templates so that you have plenty of options to choose from. Here they are:

The sheets are perfect for Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade.
What’s Included?
Here is a list of all the directed drawings included:
A- apple
B- bear
C- cupcake
D- dinosaur
E- elephant
F- flower
G- guitar
H- house
I- igloo
J- jellyfish
K- koala
L- lion
M- monster
N- nest
O- octopus
P- penguin
Q- queen
R- rainbow
S- sock
T- turtle
U- umbrella
V- volcano
W- watermelon
X- x-ray
Y- yo-yo
Z- zebra
AN- fan
AT- cat
AG- bag
AP- map
AD- mad
AM- jam
ED- bed
EG- peg
EN- hen
ET- jet
IT- kit
ID- kid
IG- pig
IP- lip
IN- tin
OT- pot
OB- cob
OG- dog
OP- mop
UT- hut
UB- sub
UG- bug
UM- gum
UN- sun
SH- ship
SH- fish
CH- chest
CH- lunch
TH- thorn
TH- bath
Hard TH – feather
CK- duck
WH- whale
QU- quilt
WR- wrench
KN- knob
PH- phone
NG- king
MB- lamb
NK- tank
TCH- hatch
DGE- fridge
SS- dress
LL- well
FF- cliff
ZZ- puzzle
A_E- cake
AI- snail
AY- hay
EE- bee
EA- tea
Y- baby
I_E- kite
IGH- light
IE- pie
Y- fly
O_E- robe
OA- boat
OW- bow
U_E- cube
EW- brew
OO- moon
UE- glue
AU- launch
AW- saw
AL- ball
OI- coin
OY- boy
OO- pool
EW- stew
OO- book
OU- mouse
OW- owl
AIR- chair
ARE- rare
ER- fern
IR- bird
UR- purse
OR- horn
ORE- store
OAR- boar
You can buy the bundle here:
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