This huge Reading Worksheet Printable Pack features 100 different printables for bookwork activities. There are both fiction and non-fiction printables that are able to be used with ANY TEXT which means that this pack can be reused all year round.
There are SO many different activities which allow students to practice and develop many reading-related skills. They are great for developing comprehension which is one of the most important reading skills. Many of the activities also call for higher-order thinking.
The printables cover:
♥ Story Elements – Setting, Plot, Characters, Problem, Solution, Sequence of Events. There are a number of diverse and creative activities.
♥ Reading Strategies – Inferring, predicting, summarizing, synthesizing, questioning, visualizing.
♥ Text Connections – Text-to-Self, Text-to-Text, Text-to-World
♥ Author Study – Author’s purpose, lesson, point-of-view, questions.
♥ Non-Fiction Texts – Main idea, Summarizing, Text Features, Diagrams, graphic organizers, learning reflection.
♥ Vocabulary Work – Finding word meanings, replacing “boring” words, finding interesting words.
♥ Nouns, Adjectives & Verbs – Generating adjectives for setting/character, finding these parts of speech within the text.
Please see the preview for full view of printables!!!
Includes both a US and an AUS/UK Version
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